Britain At Tipping Point

On Monday, we will publish new research showing after nine months living with the pandemic - the public at large are reaching a tipping point.  

For the first time, we are becoming more concerned about the short-term economic impacts of the pandemic than we are about the risk to life. 

Concerns about the economy are accelerating

From what you know, which of the following will be the greater problem facing this country over the next 12 months?

Splitting the data by GE 2019 Conservative and Labour voters reveals why the political consensus has broken down in recent weeks. 2019 Conservative voters have already passed this tipping point. While the concerns of Labour voters still skew towards health fears. 

This evidence underlines the precarious balancing act governments and businesses across the country are performing asking us to accept continued restrictions on our daily lives while fighting to protect the economy. 

Splitting the date by 2019 Conservative and Labour voters helps underline the differences in policy – local lockdowns vs a national ‘circuit break’ lockdown

The ‘tipping point’ has already been passed among those who voted Conservative in 2019

Sadly, the nation’s mental health is deteriorating as almost 40% of people report their mental health has degraded since the start of the pandemic – a situation worse among women and those living in lower socio-economic grades.

Britain’s mental health is deteriorating

Generally speaking, would you say your mental health has got better, got worse, or stayed the same since the coronavirus outbreak?

People from lower social grades are more likely to report their mental health has suffered

Women are significantly more likely to say their mental health has suffered than men

Beneath these headlines people living in the North East and Wales are struggling most based on a series of factors including their personal finances, concerns about the future and mental health. The findings also show the pandemic is like a rising tide, all parts of the country follow closely behind.

People in the North East and Wales are struggling the most

But, what we think is most compelling are the findings that provide guidance about the social divides businesses and governments are navigating. 

The priorities of ‘Redwall’ voters for business are clear and underline the Government’s narrative: invest in communities and help Britain trade around the world. 

The expectations among Redwall voters of businesses are striking

Which of the following, if any, do you think should be the priority for any businesses seeking taxpayer support? Please select up to three

Redwall Voters

All voters

Separately, there are indications the Coronavirus may be creating a new generational divide. 

Those below 55 years old report they have been more impacted than older generations when it comes to their own health and personal finances, and that of the people closest to them.  

There are also indications a generational divide is emerging

Among everyone who said they have been seriously ill with the virus 18-24s report they have been disproportionately affected

Among everyone who said their close friends or family had been seriously ill with the virus there is a tipping point at age 54 after which people are less likely to report this is the case

A similar tipping point can be seen when looking at everyone who reported they have close friends or family who have been economically affected

The priorities for businesses among this group are also distinct with a focus on creating jobs, investing in communities and behaving as a good corporate citizen.

Expectations of business also differ by this divide

Which of the following, if any, do you think should be the priority for any businesses seeking taxpayer support? Please select up to three



Underneath it all, while only a snapshot in time, these findings reveal how turbulent and fast changing public opinion is as we live through the pandemic age. 

They remind us of the need to keep challenging traditional assumptions and be thoughtful about understanding your audiences before crafting a strategy and narrative to influence them. 


A Hopeful Nation


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